Available as either semester or full year unless noted. All courses meet elective Graduation requirements unless stated as College Prep.
In Language Arts 600, students will delve into texts that span the genres of narrative fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, and informational texts to build reading, writing and thinking skills. Students will also develop their writing skills as they focus on the six traits while producing narrative, argumentative, and explanatory compositions, as well as creative pieces including poetry. The course concludes with students completing a full research report. With a strong emphasis on close reading instruction, writing and thinking activities, as well as speaking and listening tasks, this course will help students expand their understanding of literature while building 21st century skills. Multimedia and interactive elements are built into every lesson to ensure a high level of student engagement.
This course begins by connecting ratio and rate to multiplication and division, allowing students to use ratio reasoning to solve a wide variety of problems. They further apply their understanding of multiplication and division to explain the standard procedure for dividing fractions. This course builds upon previous notions of the number system to now include the entire set of rational numbers. Students begin to understand the use of variables as they write, evaluate, and simplify expressions. They use the idea of equality and properties of operations to solve one-step equations and inequalities. In statistics, students explore different graphical ways to display data. They use data displays, measures of center, and measures of variability to summarize data sets. The course concludes with students reasoning about relationships among shapes to determine area, surface area, and volume.
History and Geography 600 focuses on World History, with an emphasis on Western Europe. Specifically, it covers World History from ancient civilizations through the end of the 20th century, highlighting the Middle Ages and the two World Wars. These areas of focus target three major content strands: History, Geography, and Social Studies Skills.
Science 600 is a basic intermediate course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in the physical universe. This course expands on the Science 300 – 500 elementary courses, providing a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 600 include the study of plant and animal systems, plant and animal behavior, genetics, the structure of matter, light and sound, kinematics, planet earth, the solar system, and astronomy.
Language Arts 700 is a thematic study of literature that explores accounts of earth, space, and survival. Throughout this course, students will delve into texts that span the genres of narrative fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, and informational texts. Students will demonstrate their understanding of various works by analyzing how common themes like exploration, innovation, and courage are able to transcend diverse time periods and genres. They will also develop their writing skills as they focus on the six traits while producing argumentative, narrative, and expository compositions. With a strong emphasis on close reading instruction, research activities, and speaking and listening tasks, this course will help students expand their understanding of literature while building 21st century skills.
This course begins with an in-depth study of proportional reasoning where students utilize concrete models such as bar diagrams and tables to increase and develop conceptual understanding of rates, ratios, proportions, and percentages. Students’ number fluency and understanding of the rational number system are extended as they perform operations with signed rational numbers embedded in real-world contexts. In statistics, students develop meanings for representative samples, measures of central tendency, variation, and the ideal representation for comparisons of given data sets. Students develop an understanding of both theoretical and experimental probability. Throughout the course students build fluency in writing expressions and equations that model real world scenarios. They apply their understanding of inverse operations to solve multi-step equations and inequalities. Students build on their proportional reasoning to solve problems about scale drawings by relating the corresponding lengths between objects. The course concludes with a geometric analysis of angle relationships, area, and volume of both two and three- dimensional figure.
This course is designed to reinforce the meaning of civics and the purpose of government; identify what distinguishes a democracy from other forms of government; identify the goals of the government; examine the roles of government as outlined by the US Constitution; examine the Bills of Rights and why it was added to the US Constitution; analyze the reasoning behind the founding fathers need to separation of powers; explain the structure and function of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of Government; Students will understand: identify the purpose of foreign policy and explain the role of political parties in the US; describe the difference between primary and general elections; identify what influences people’s opinions and explain what makes them an informed citizen; evaluate the four ways that all citizens can participate in government. Additionally the four quarter of the class is comprises of an overview of microeconomics which will introduce the foundation of a market economy; the role of government in the various economic systems; and the production, distribution and marketing of goods and services. Students will be introduced to the geographic features of the United States and Canada.
Science 700 is a basic intermediate course intended to expose students to the designs and patterns in the physical universe. This course expands on the Science 600 course, providing a set of basic scientific skills and a broad survey of the major areas of science. Some of the areas covered in Science 700 include the scientific method, overview of the four major areas of science, mathematics in science, astronomy, the atmosphere, natural cycles, weather and climate, human anatomy and physiology, and careers in science.
Language Arts 800 is a survey of literature that explores the work of various writers of different time periods through a historical lens. Students should enter this course with a foundation in analyzing, through a close study, various genres of literature and making connections with historical perspectives and the arts. In this course, students will build on these skills by studying a range of classic and contemporary literature to convey themes of American History, Natural History, World Civilization, and Air and Space. Students will also develop their writing skills while producing informative,Integrity | Courage | Discipline argumentative, and narrative compositions. Supported by a balance of fictional and informational texts, students will learn and practice close reading, modeled reading, writing, speaking, and listening strategies.
This full-year course is designed for students who have completed a middle school mathematics sequence but are not yet Algebra-ready. This course reviews key algebra readiness skills from the middle grades and introduces basic Algebra I work with appropriate support. Students revisit concepts in number and operations, expressions and equations, ratio and proportion, and basic functions. By the end of the course, students are ready to begin a more formal high school Algebra I study.
History and Geography 600 focuses on World History, with an emphasis on Western Europe. Specifically, it covers World History from ancient civilizations through the end of the 20th century, highlighting the Middle Ages and the two World Wars. These areas of focus target three major content strands: History, Geography, and Social Studies Skills.
The course focuses on studying American History from the Exploration and Colonization period to the Reconstruction Period following the Civil War. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events that influenced the United States’ development and the resulting impact on world history. So that students can see the relationship between cause and effect in historical events. Students should have the opportunity to explore those fundamental ideas and events that occurred after Reconstruction.